Lisa Krannichfeld

“I’m motivated to depict women in ways that they have not been portrayed historically. Breaking out of the traditional female roles, I want to show women as something completely different than the stereotypes of the past. There is nothing more tragic than a person feeling they must fit themselves into a mold that just doesn't fit.”


Lisa Krannichfeld, born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas comes from a Chinese family living in the American South. Growing up in these two intermixing cultures has greatly influenced her work and style. Focusing on women, the female figures in Lisa’s pieces are portrayed surrounded by a kaleidoscope of saturated patterns. The characters are strong and powerful, sometimes aggressive and confrontational. With only a portion of the face portrayed, the character of her figures comes from the core and body language of the pose. In this way, the art has breathing room for the viewer's personal interpretation. Her expressive portraits and figures refute the traditional past stereotypes of women being the passive muse and instead represent a shift toward progressive feminism. 

Lisa uses wet-on-wet free flowing watercolors mixed with specialty papers, cyanotypes, acrylics, and resin. She’s an internationally collected, award winning artist. Her multi-media figures and murals have been installed in both public and private collections around the world.


Lisa at work…


Yulia Brodskaya


Carola van Dyke